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Triumph Tiger 1200 Stunt
영감 Lee Morrison 5th 9 2022

For months, the Triumph design workshop team collaborated, behind closed doors, with the stunt team from the film to configure several feature motorcycles for the movie, including special preparations of Tiger 900 and Scrambler 1200 models to handle the extreme and dynamic action sequences – and the film’s world-class stunt riders – demanded.



"스턴트 코디네이터로서 무엇보다도 우선, 그 모터사이클로 액션을 실현할 수 있는지를 확인할 필요가 있습니다. 그리고 스턴트 라이더가 원하는 대로 움직일 수 있는 만큼의 민천성과 파워를 갖추고 있는지도 중요합니다. 나아가 무엇보다 더 중요한 것은 그것이 영화의 스토리와 맞아떨어지도록 스크린에서 표현될 수 있느냐는 것입니다.
저희는 스크램블러 1200의 외관이 마음에 들었고, 이미 'No Time To Die'에서 사용하기로 결정된 것을 알고 있었습니다. 그리고 그와 별도로 트라이엄프가 당시에는 아직 출시되지 않았던 타이거 900 프로토타입 몇대도 제공해줬습니다. 이 모터사이클들을 타본 스턴트 팀 전원은, '대단한 모터사이클이야!!' 특히 오프로드 라이딩 모드에서 타이거 900를 많이 주행했는데, 그때는 정말 믿을 수 없을 정도로 대단했습니다!' 라며 소감을 전했습니다. "



Lee Morrison standing next to the Tiger 900 Rally Pro


Scrambler 1200 bond edition for the Behind the scenes


What did you love about the Tiger 900?  

“We spent a long time on the Tiger and it is so balanced.  You can just have great fun with it.  I joined a Triumph Tiger 900 press ride in Morocco recently and you stick cruise control on and settle in to what’s a really nice touring ride.  Then, the other end of the spectrum, turn everything off, stick it in Off-Road Pro mode, and you discover the body positioning, the footpegs, handlebars, down to the rake of the bike, even – everything is perfect.  The Tiger 900 is the most confidence-inspiring bike, it allows you to really push the ride as far as you want, you can take as many liberties as you want; stand up sideways drifting in third gear, slow wheelie it, slide it Supermoto-style.  I honestly think it’s one of the best bikes I’ve ever ridden, it’s fantastic.” 


And what did you love about the Scrambler 1200?

“Ah it’s just so much fun, isn’t it!  Get on it, and it’s an absolute blast straight off.  I’d switch everything off [Off-Road Pro mode] and ride that thing like it was a motocross bike, couldn’t stop grinning!  I remember being worried before filming about potential electrical issues... I didn’t realise that every single electrical connection during Triumph’s testing process is completely waterproofed – not many manufacturers do that.  I had zero breakdowns with those electricals for the whole shoot, and that’s with riding day in day out, through rivers and across river beds through four inches, six inches, up to a foot and a half of water.

For the film we rode the Scrambler 1200 absolutely flat out, I mean as aggressive as you can ride a motorcycle, lighting it up off-road on tough terrain in Scotland, drifting it through really slippery streets in Matera [Italy], hitting steps flat out in third gear, quick direction changes, jumps, everything you could imagine, and that bike performed brilliantly.”  



What was the most challenging motorcycle stunt scene?

“Well for the Tiger, and remember these are stunt professionals, it was probably when we were riding them at high speeds and bouncing off the sides of cars during the Norway chase scene!  It was amazing being able to ride behind and direct my lead stunt rider, constantly telling him to get in there, I want you alongside ‘Bond’, hitting the side of his door, cutting behind.  There was a point where we jumped the Tiger over a car and under a helicopter.  To have the confidence in a motorcycle to do all those things, on the move, while directing through an earpiece shows you how good that bike is.”