트라이엄프와 DGR 라이드의 10주년

DGR은 전 세계 수천 명의 클래식 및 빈티지 스타일 모터사이클 팬을 모아 기금을 마련하고 남성 건강에 대한 인식을 높였습니다. 2012년 호주 시드니에서 설립된 DGR은 Mark Hawwa가 모터사이클 애호가들을 하나로 모으는 멋진, 새로운 방법으로 공동의 대의에 초점을 맞춰 만들었습니다. 매년 증가하는 DGR은 현재 전 세계 800개 이상의 도시엣, 90,000명 이상의 라이더가 참여하고 있으며, 전립선암 연구와 남성의 정신건강을 위해 3,700만 달러 이상이 모금되었습니다.
트라이엄프는 2014년에 공식으로 모터사이클 파트너가 되었으며, 이 가치 있는 대의를 지원하기 위해 인지도를 높이고 참여를 늘려, 기금 모금을 늘리겠다는 약속을 했습니다. 트라이엄프와 관련된 모든 사람들은 Mark Hawwa 및 그의 팀과 협력하여 이 놀라운 커뮤니티를 성장시키는데 중요한 역할을 한 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 세계적으로 DGR의 인지도를 높이는 데 도움이 되는 재정적 지원과 리소스 제공에서 참가자들에게 보상을 제공하는 것까지, DGR을 세계 최대의 도로 위 자선 모터사이클 행사로 만든 열정과 추진력을 공유합니다.
One of Triumph’s most significant contributions has been in growing awareness and motivating fundraisers around the world, by providing motorcycles from Triumph’s Modern Classic range as rewards for the top fundraisers. In previous years this has included unique motorcycles, such as a one-of-a-kind Triumph Thruxton RS DGR Edition and a custom '1959 Legends' Triumph Bonneville T120 and matching Gibson Les Paul Standard guitar, awarded to the 2022 rides highest fundraiser as part of a collaboration between Triumph and Gibson.

Designed with a stylish DGR metallic black and crystal white paint scheme, featuring official DGR branding with a custom logo on the tank and side panels, gold detailing and distinctive brown seat, each one comes with a numbered certificate, signed by DGR founder Mark Hawwa and Nick Bloor – with edition 001 being presented to the highest fundraised for the 2023 ride.
Additionally in our 10th year, we are thrilled to strengthen our relationship further by becoming an official clothing partner of the DGR, with an all-new limited edition range of lifestyle clothing to celebrate the DGR, created to raise additional funds for men’s health.
Across a decade of Triumph’s DGR partnership a special mention must go to the many brave riders who have joined us to tell their stories, to inspire others to consider their health and come together to raise funds. Riders like the incredibly courageous Phil Green, whose legacy lives on and continues to remind the global DGR family as to why we ride.
The entire Triumph community, from our network of dealers and fans across the world, to our staff, designers and engineers are committed to continue to grow the reach and impact of the DGR in support of this incredible cause for good.
Together we will make 2023 the biggest and most successful DGR yet.
DGR creator Mark Hawwa: "If anyone had said 10 years ago that we’d be celebrating a decade of partnership with Triumph Motorcycles, I would have laughed. That first year of signing with Triumph has always been a highlight for me. It felt exciting, and that excitement still carries on every year. Triumph has become like a family to me and to The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride. They are passionate about getting classic styled bikes out for a ride and using the machines we love to make a positive impact for our cause. That excitement and passion has now been brought together in a product that speaks to our journey together. We are beyond proud to release the Bonneville T120 Black Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Limited Edition motorcycle, to celebrate what we have achieved together, and to continue doing more of what we love."